All posts by jfong

Concert Review of Diablo Symphony February 21, 2016

The concert started with a rousing performance of the “Cowboys Overture” by John Williams. Kathryn Crandell’s rendition in her cowboy boots provided the right flavor and prepared the audience for a lively concert.

The second piece on the program was Paul Dukas’s “Sorcerer’s Apprentice”, which was featured in Disney’s movie Fantasia by Stokowski and the Philadelphia Orchestra. Maestro Hofman featured various instruments and artists to demonstrate a la Britten’s Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra how the instruments exhibited their parts in the piece. Then she proceeded to conduct the piece in a Merlin’s magician outfit, providing the right atmosphere for the music at hand. She provided the right gestures and movements to add life to the Goethe story. The out of control apprentice and the havoc that he caused was fully shown in the performance of the symphony.

Finally, the concert ended in a rendition of the “Mother Goose Suite” by Maurice Ravel which had the added charm of the Fratello Marionettes. From Little Bo Peep to Humpty Dumpty the marionettes pranced and weaved their spell with the orchestra to tell their stories.

All in all the program was a very successful family concert that illustrated both visually and sonically the children tales that were presented.

The next concert at Lesher is on 4/10/2016 at 2 pm.

— Douglas Burgess